Lockdown Positivity Checklist

by | Apr 9, 2020 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

Hey everyone.

If you’re stuck at home in lockdown it’s easy to watch too much bad news and find your mind focusing on negative and unhelpful thoughts, and your mood gradually sinking down to your knees. So for those of us with time on our hands and prone to too many negative thoughts, here’s a daily positivity checklist. If your mood is sinking and negative thoughts are getting a grip on your mind, don’t just read this, put it into action – it really can make a difference.

Thank You

If you are not stuck in lockdown, but are one of the many wonderful people helping keep the wheels of the world turning, putting yourself in danger’s way to help people like me – I’d like to say a huge, heartfelt thank you. Stay safe, and please accept my humble gratitude.

The Lockdown Positivity Checklist

  1. Acknowledge your fears and frustrations about the CoronaVirus situation
  2. Take positive actions where you can
  3. Choose kindness – kindness of thought (for yourself and others), kindness of action
  4. Practise gratitude
    1. to those on the front line of health and care work
    2. to those other key workers who are keeping our world afloat – filling shelves, driving, delivering, answering phones, shopping for others, and all the unsung backroom staff oiling the wheels
    3. For the kindness that’s blossoming all around us
    4. For sunshine and rain, for music, TV and radio, for the birds and bees and insects who are just doing their thing, and for the extra time that has been gifted to us
  5. Foster a can-do mindset – when you’re feeling down it’s easy to feel hopeless and defeated by circumstances, easy to pass days passively and unproductively. But it only lowers our mood even further. So work on changing that mindset and get things done!
  6. Get things Done! -look for opportunities – for daily achievement, learning and growth
  7. Be imaginative – try new things – or new ways of doing old things – be creative
  8. Stay fit (or get fitter) – stretch, jump, lift, run (in small circles if you have to), walk, dance – and also clean, tidy, garden…
  9. Ask for help if you need it – people will be pleased to help if they can
  10. Smile, talk, sing – great for positivity and can even have a positive impact on your immune system

See how many of these you can do every day and see the difference.

Stay safe folks!




  1. Paul Walker

    Great practical advice for difficult times


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